Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I had permission...

...I promise. I wanted to post these pictures because I'm so proud of my husband. Not that he isn't cute as a button as a chubby little high school kid, but he has really undergone a transformation inside and out since that time in his life. He has lost almost 100lbs which has made a drastic change for him physically. He has also had a transformation into a great leader in ministry and as a husband. He really is a blessing and I'm so proud to be his wife. I wanted to share these because I know everyone loves to see before and after pictures!!! :)

Lake Highlands Varsity football team 2003

Lake Highlands Baptist Church youth outing.... hahahaha I love it!!!

Doing his thang!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

He's back!!

Like some of you already know, I'm a big scaredy cat. I knew this about myself... but I didn't REALLY know. I mean, I understand that I'm only supposed to fear the Lord and he's my true protector, but I have to admit that this week I got a little nervous all by myself. Eric left for a church leader conference in Atlanta last Wednesday, traveled up to South Carolina on Friday, and just returned home yesterday (Monday). So I had 6 days and 5 nights all by myself. I had a huge paper due so it was nice to have time to focus on that... for the first couple days. Then I was l-o-n-e-l-y. Days/Evenings were boring and night time was spppooooookkkyyy. Romie is of course SUCH a good watchdog (not) and I knew that I could go to my parents house if I needed to, but I wanted to stick it out like a big girl. I did... but not without making sure the door was locked a hundred times, sitting up in bed a billion times a night to make sure no one was there, and running and leaping into bed after a short trip to the bathroom. Seriously? Yup. So I've deduced that I'm a big baby!! Luckily, Eric came home last night and was able to protect me from all the scary monsters under my bed. Sheesh.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Busyness is a way of life

I finally did it. I got sick. There is just so much going on this semester and it really was just a matter of time before I got run down. Now is the time. Although, I have really enjoyed some of the things that have made me more/less busy depending on how you look at it. :)

This past Friday night, the ol' Pastor's Wives took a trip to Grapevine for a little de-stressing and shopping. We had a really great time and I can't wait to do it again soon!

This was taken at a little Italian joint where we ate on the roof and a local country band serenaded us (well, and everyone else on the roof) . Super fun. I think the lead singer of the band actually took this picture. Apparently he should stick to singing. haha

There was laughing.

And of course some crying...

I want to live here!! All the wonderful buildings for taking pictures!

Yesterday was a tough but good day for our family because we moved my grandpa into an apartment here in town. Good because he's so close and we are going to really enjoy getting to spend a lot of time together. Tough because he had to leave his home where he and my late grandmother lived for over twenty years.

Here is his cute little place.

You can tell he's pretty worn out.

Also, a couple Saturdays ago I took some pictures for some friends from church. We went to the Botanical Gardens and just walked around and took lots of pictures. Here are a few.

And of course, here is the cutest 10lbs I've ever seen. I love him.

On September 30, my dad celebrated his 49th birthday. We ate at the Jalapeno Tree and it was fantastic. My parents are so cute and I love them so much. My mom got my dad a golf membership for his birthday and my husband and I were included in the membership. So far, my husband has benefited from my dad's bday present more than my dad. (Insert eye rolling here.) hehe

So lot's of fun stuff going on in addition to the monotonous school/work routine.... but in result... the cold I'm suffering. I'll be fine, I'm sure, but I sure can't wait until May. Yes, just a season in my life... but I'm SO ready for Spring. :)