Tuesday, January 27, 2009

IMPORTANT: Last Post on the blog

I have set up a new website on which I will do all my blogging from now on. Thank you for checking out my new site:



Friday, January 2, 2009

More of the Barbaree Family

I'm so excited because I just got some really cool Photoshop actions that are called Totally Rad Actions and they are super cool. I haven't bought them all yet, but I got some samples (thanks to Misti for showing me how) and they are totally rad (ha) . Anyway, I've was so excited about them that I wanted to come home and try them out before bed. Here are a few more of the Barbaree family that I LOVE!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Barbaree Family

Happy New Year everyone! I stayed up last night playing super fun games at the Barbaree's house... we played this new game called Last Word and it was so fun. I love it and want to buy it now. lol. Anyway, yesterday before we went over to party, I did a family shoot for them at the park. I had a lot of fun and enjoyed trying to get everyone to smile. Anyway, I haven't had much time to work on the pictures, but I wanted to share this sweet family. Just a quick picture. :)