Tuesday, January 27, 2009

IMPORTANT: Last Post on the blog

I have set up a new website on which I will do all my blogging from now on. Thank you for checking out my new site:



Friday, January 2, 2009

More of the Barbaree Family

I'm so excited because I just got some really cool Photoshop actions that are called Totally Rad Actions and they are super cool. I haven't bought them all yet, but I got some samples (thanks to Misti for showing me how) and they are totally rad (ha) . Anyway, I've was so excited about them that I wanted to come home and try them out before bed. Here are a few more of the Barbaree family that I LOVE!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Barbaree Family

Happy New Year everyone! I stayed up last night playing super fun games at the Barbaree's house... we played this new game called Last Word and it was so fun. I love it and want to buy it now. lol. Anyway, yesterday before we went over to party, I did a family shoot for them at the park. I had a lot of fun and enjoyed trying to get everyone to smile. Anyway, I haven't had much time to work on the pictures, but I wanted to share this sweet family. Just a quick picture. :)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Fun

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Our family certainly did! We had a blast just hanging out, playing games, eating way too much, and laughing like crazy. I love it so much. My sister and her husband and two kids are here from Florida so we are soaking up every minute with them possible. The adults stayed up to *wait* on Santa and had a blast trying to keep quiet while trying to piece together scooters, tents, games, and cars. Fun stuff. I've decided that Santa is super lucky that he didn't wake anyone up. ;) So, after staying up until around 2 and getting few hours of shut eye, we had a great Christmas day playing with every toy possible. My aunt, uncle, and grandpa all joined in on the fun for Christmas lunch. I managed to figure out my tripod and self timer to get a good family picture (but missing my sweet grandma who awaits us in heaven).

So here are just a few of the pics I tried to snap amidst all the craziness of Christmas day. I just want to say thank you to all my friends and family for making this such a wonderful year. I'm truly blessed to be at this place in my life. Love you all.

I don't think Santa brought the kids anything. ;)

Kinzie in her new castle... first thing.

Austin waiting for the "go" to open wrapped presents!

Here is proof that boxes are always the most fun. 100 toys and she's playing in a box. :)

She got make-up and she LOVES it. She loves to get all gussied up and look pretty.

I painted her fingernails and toenails for her, too.

Austin wanted to be just like Uncle Eric with his new guitar!

And this has been the biggest hit of all... the nerf guns that shoot super hard and the bullets stick on the person you shot.

Papaw and Uncle Eric having fun!

And a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do... ;)

Sweet girl

Our beautiful family. Left to right: Cole (Brother-in-law), Jessica (Sister), Tim (Dad), Mackenzie (Niece), Kim (mom), Austin (Nephew), Sandy (Grandpa), Gloria (Aunt), Terry (Uncle), Me, Eric (Hubby)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thank God for all of His blessings this year and all that he is going to do in 2009!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Yesterday, I met up with the Winn children to take some Christmas pictures. Oh my goodness, I haven't seen such beautiful blue eyes in all my life! Seriously, all three of them were just stunning. We all braved the cold weather to get some fun shots (even stopping inside a nice WARM coffee shop for a few pics). It was lots of fun and I hope to do their pictures again sometime! Thank you Winn family for letting me capture this memory!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Yesterday was a crazy busy day for me... my niece and nephew are finally in town, so I spent the morning with them... then off to band practice... then I was a second shooter for a wedding. It was TONS of fun (and not to mention exhausting! whhheeewww)! I had a blast and got to use my new lens some. There are so many pictures to post process, but here are a few from the beginning of the pictures.

A beautiful chapel in a small town south of here.

The boys looking all studly

Once again, the guys.

Beautiful girls!

Weddings are so fun!

The bride was stunning!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hello again. So much to share, so little time! Yesterday, I got to shoot a precious family at their house. It was beautiful weather (couldn't have been better) and we enjoyed getting outside to snap a few shots. They have a tiny 2 week old newborn baby and a VERY proud big brother. Here is the family: