Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Wilkins Going Big

Well, we really aren't going anywhere, but we have entered the world of blogging! I figured I would enter in for a couple of reasons. 

1.) I have recently discovered several other families with blogs and have thoroughly enjoyed reading about their lives. I figured there might be one or two families who might get a good belly laugh from all the goofy things Eric and I get ourselves into. :)

2.) I am taking up photography. Not just, "taking pictures," but really pursuing it. I'm SO excited about it and will be making my big purchase (the new DSLR camera) in the next couple of days (Eric gave me the OK). So, I will be able to post my pictures here. Prepare to roll your eyes at my 'not all that special' photos that I will be so proud of. It's okay. I will get better!!

3.) Eric has family in North Carolina and I have family in Florida that would like to hear about us every now and then. MySpace just doesn't seem family friendly anymore. 

So there they are. The Reasons. And here we are. The Wilkins. 


Unknown said...

Woo hoo! Now Jer can laugh at one more person I don't talk to, but know everything about their life!

js said...

Welcome to the blog world! Can't wait to see your photos.

AmyC said...


I'm SO excited about your venture into photography! You're gonna love it! :)