Tuesday, October 14, 2008

He's back!!

Like some of you already know, I'm a big scaredy cat. I knew this about myself... but I didn't REALLY know. I mean, I understand that I'm only supposed to fear the Lord and he's my true protector, but I have to admit that this week I got a little nervous all by myself. Eric left for a church leader conference in Atlanta last Wednesday, traveled up to South Carolina on Friday, and just returned home yesterday (Monday). So I had 6 days and 5 nights all by myself. I had a huge paper due so it was nice to have time to focus on that... for the first couple days. Then I was l-o-n-e-l-y. Days/Evenings were boring and night time was spppooooookkkyyy. Romie is of course SUCH a good watchdog (not) and I knew that I could go to my parents house if I needed to, but I wanted to stick it out like a big girl. I did... but not without making sure the door was locked a hundred times, sitting up in bed a billion times a night to make sure no one was there, and running and leaping into bed after a short trip to the bathroom. Seriously? Yup. So I've deduced that I'm a big baby!! Luckily, Eric came home last night and was able to protect me from all the scary monsters under my bed. Sheesh.

1 comment:

js said...

Love the new look! Don't tell anyone- but I'm a big chicken too. It's so nice God gave us such great protectors. :)