Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I had permission...

...I promise. I wanted to post these pictures because I'm so proud of my husband. Not that he isn't cute as a button as a chubby little high school kid, but he has really undergone a transformation inside and out since that time in his life. He has lost almost 100lbs which has made a drastic change for him physically. He has also had a transformation into a great leader in ministry and as a husband. He really is a blessing and I'm so proud to be his wife. I wanted to share these because I know everyone loves to see before and after pictures!!! :)

Lake Highlands Varsity football team 2003

Lake Highlands Baptist Church youth outing.... hahahaha I love it!!!

Doing his thang!!


AmyC said...

Wow! That is amazing & inspiring! Way to go, Eric!

js said...

That is amazing! He looks totally different now!!!