Monday, November 3, 2008

5 weeks and counting

That's the most exciting news I have for everyone.... only FIVE weeks (including this one) until the semester of death ends. Really, this is so exciting. 3 weeks from Thursday is Thanksgiving, and then there is only 1 more week of school after that and then finals. HOORRRAAAYYY. My quality of life will improve immeasurably this December and I cannot wait.

More good news about school. I looked at my degree evaluation for this spring (my last semester of school EVER) and it said that I will only need 11 hours of schooling to graduate. Only 2 more classes are required in my degree so I can take 2 extra elective classes or do an internship. PLUS... if I get an internship somewhere, the 2 classes that I need will be on Tuesday/Thursday... and I would only have to come to school 2 days a week. Next semester will be the best. Apparently God has been hearing my desperate cries for help. :)

Yesterday, during the second two sermons at church, I finished my history paper... which left a few hours in the afternoon open for me to take a nap. My husband/dad/mom decided it would be fun to all go golfing, so I had to sacrafice my nap but it was well worth it. Perfect weather, relaxing environment, and quality time with family. It was awesome. (Even when Eric and I each threw our own little temper tantrums because we stunk it up on the golf course. But hey, Eric just started playing this summer and it's been about 8 years since I've played a round of golf so I was happy to even connect the club and the ball... HA!)

I'm at school, so I only have a couple pictures from yesterday on my jump drive... and I'm going to add them both. The first is of my mom and dad. They are so cute and we had lots of fun with them yesterday! The second is just a pretty picture of the fall scenery. Love this time of the year!


js said...

I think that's pretty exciting news! 5 wks. will fly by.

Crystal Barbaree said...

i am glad you are almost done. the pressure of that will be gone soon.