Thursday, November 27, 2008

Christmas Cards

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope y'all got to enjoy as much turkey and dressing as I did! Oh my goodness, it was so amazing. I'll post some pictures of my family from today a little bit later. I'm finally hungry again so I can snack on leftovers. :) Tomorrow, we are heading to Eric's mom's house to spend some time with that side of the family. I'm sure we will have lots of fun!

It's almost Christmas time again. I LOVE Christmas. The season just calls for lots of singing, warm cookies, and looking at lights. Some people like to do the picture Christmas card thing.... I think Eric and I are going to do that for his family that lives in North Carolina since we never see them. Anyway, I took pictures for a Christmas card yesterday and I want to share them with you. If there is anyone else who wants to have theirs done, let me know. :)

Here is the Forbes family:

Hope you guys like the sneak peek!


Unknown said...


js said...

Dang dude! Those are awesome!!!

Jen said...

Those are great! I hope you don't flunk out of school... it looks like you've been skipping school to play with your camera!! Awesome pictures!