Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Just a couple of quick announcements before I go hang out with some Jr. High girls...

Today I took my LAST final of the semester! Done! Yup. Done. I'm thrilled. I'm happy. I'm relieved. I'm nicer, too. Ha!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! To Christy, Eric, and the staff for a celebratory dinner tonight in honor of finishing up the semester. The pizza was fantastic (one can never go wrong when giving me pizza). Ya'll are so kind and I'm so blessed to be a part of StoneWater Church. Really, thank you from the bottom of my heart. :)

Finally, and most importantly, there is something everyone needs to know. Yes, everyone. Something that has been hidden in secrecy for many years of my life, and I'm sure in your lives too. Get ready.... It's BIG. So, Eric was watching the Ellen show the other day (yes, that is funny) and she brought light into the audience's lives because of this secret. Are ya'll ready for it? Here goes:

The foil in the box that you use to cover food and store leftovers.... the one that's in the box, but falls out when you try to pull on it... then the box somehow always manages to cut you... then you get frustrated because you tore off a crooked piece of foil... yeah, that foil... well, on each end of the box there are tabs you push in to hold the foil so it stays, no one gets cut, and the foil tears of perfectly. Voila! A miracle. Did ANYONE know that? No one on the show did. We didn't. But now... we do. And now, you know the secret. Enjoy. :)


js said...

Aaahhhh...I feel relieved for you! I'm so proud of you sister. I know this was a rough semester. Thanks for the tip too.

Crystal Barbaree said...

yea! good job ashley,i know you are excited to be done

AmyC said...

Haha! I actually knew that about the foil. Too funny!

Congrats on the end of the semester! I'm sure you're relieved!