Friday, December 19, 2008

Fun in Funky Town

So, my wonderful husband asked me on a date last night. If you know me and my crazy schedule from this past semester, you know that this is a special thing. I mean, we haven't been on a "real" date in months. I know.... it's sad, but it's not because we didn't want to! So we went to Ft. Worth downtown and ate at P.F. Changs (delightful) and walked around with piping hot Starbucks in our hands. It was great. What's even better? A wide angle lens to go along with me. Yup. It's new and I like it. Sigma 10-20. My hubby even let me use him as my model for the evening. He's so sweet (and not to mention a fantastic model... hehe). Anyway, so I've never shot with a wide angle lens before, but it's fun. I'm just learning what all it can do, but here's a preview of some of the fun we had.

I'm just amazed how wide it is. I mean, I was standing right on the corner...

Standing ohhh.... maybe 1 1/2 feet away from his head! lol

Back to ol' faithful (Tamron 28-75 2.8) for the next couple shots

I think this shot is cool! I said "Eric stop! I think I can do something!" Lo and behold, I can! LOL!

More wide angle...

Chucks = Cool band-y shoes

Could this be Eric Wilkins' solo album cover? I think so.... ha

We definitely tried to go to the top of some really tall tower... until some lady told us security would stop us. LOL. Self portrait!


AmyC said...

I love it, Ashley! Looks like tons of fun, both the date & the wide angle! GREAT pictures!

js said...

The kids are loving the pics of Eric (and even the little sneak peak of you in the reflection). Sarah keeps saying "I see air-gik and ash-wee"

Lissa Michelle said...

I found your blog through Misti's, and I just wanted to say that you take some awesome pictures! Do you do it professionally? I also wanted to say that I love your music- my family has been visiting StoneWater and I love listening to you. Sorry, I don't mean to be a creepy Blogger-Stalker. LOL!