Sunday, November 16, 2008

Family Portraits

Recently, I had the pleasure to photograph two sweet families from church (which, by the way, the two women are sisters and I NEVER knew... ha!). They were truly a joy and oh so patient with me as I tried to hurry and post-process them all amidst the whirlwind of finishing up this semester. Finally, finished. (Well are we ever really satisfied with the post processing? I'm not...) Anyway, here are some of my favorite pictures.


Unknown said...

I think they're terrific!

Unknown said...

These look great, Ashley! :)

We actually drive by you guys on the square while you were shooting these. Ha!

Unknown said...

Okay... that should be drove. We drove by you...

Crystal Barbaree said...

they look really good.

js said...

Those are awesome. I love that dark wood. What building was that? Looks so Texas! Good job sweet friend!