Tuesday, December 9, 2008

This weekend, I met a beautiful family who asked me to take their Christmas pictures. It was so fun getting to know them and seeing the personalities of the two lively boys! Such a fun time. Getting a 1 year old and 3 year old to look at the camera AND have smile was quite a challenge, but well worth it! I also had the pleasure of meeting both sets of grandparents and including them in some pictures. We had a great time and I am so thankful they let me capture their memory! Thanks again to Amy for mentioning my name to them. You are a sweet friend!

Meet the Millers.


Crystal Barbaree said...

the basket picture turned out great.

js said...

That's an awesome group pic. I know groups aren't easy. You're so good. An just think- an entire month to take pictures and just play!

AmyC said...

They look great, Ashley, as usual! :)