Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Here are a couple pictures from the very first day I had my new camera. I had so much fun just learning what not to do! Anyway, I wanted to share them because I want to be able to look back and see how I have improved. Also, I'm just so darn proud of my niece, nephew, and new puppy. How could I not share?

We finally named the puppy. Her name is Darlin.

Here is Mackenzie trying to shut the gate on my foot. You only thought she was innocent.

I caught Austin and Mackenzie in the bathtub at the end of the evening. I have a cute picture with two tiny hineys, but I figured this one would be more appropriate!

Here is another picture of Darlin. She is, isn't she? And a whopping 2 lbs!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

It's HERE!

I have been anxiously awaiting the UPS man since last Thursday, the day I ordered my new Canon 40D camera and 50mm lens. It came at 3 o'clock this afternoon and I read the entire user manual while my battery was charging. Then Eric and I went to my parents' house so I could test it out.... I shot for 4 HOURS!!! Oh my goodness, it was so much fun. Even though my pictures are not like the professionals, they are a heck of a lot better than they have ever been before! 

So, I had the perfect subjects to photograph, my niece and nephew who are leaving tomorrow. Tonight I had to say goodbye until I see them again at Christmas. It hurts my heart so bad. Knowing that those two little kids are going to be so different in half a year. At Christmas it will be like seeing two kids who look different and are developing distinct personalities that I have to get to know. Tonight on the way home, I was crying and Eric was trying to console me. I began to compare the way I felt to the way God must feel when the children he created leave Him for things that are only of this world. I know it is a terrible comparison, since God loves us in a way that we do not understand. Plus, the kids didn't do anything to purposefully hurt me. But, go with me on this. If I hurt this much because of the love I have for those kids, I don't even want to know how God feels when I turn my back on Him. Thank you God for Your sweet grace and forgiveness.

We also have a new addition to the family that I was able to photograph. It's a girl. She's a Pomeranian/Shi Tzu mix. She has yet to receive a name so suggestions are welcome! She is my mom's, not Eric and mine, but I'll admit that she has made Eric and I really want a new puppy. Maybe when we buy a house. :) She is adorable and so tiny and Romie is seriously jealous, but I think he will get adjusted soon. 

So, it has been a super exciting day with a new camera and lots of fun with family and puppies! I'm even going to be brave enough to post a few of the pictures from today.... but not tonight. I shot the pictures in sRAW, so I'm going to need Amy or Misti to explain to me what I need to do to make them in the right format to upload onto this blog. Thanks. 

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Summer of Fun

This summer my niece and nephew from Florida have been staying here with my mom and dad (Memaw and Papaw) and we all have been having such a blast. Eric and I have spent pretty much the whole month of July entertaining the kids and just enjoying every second with them. They will be leaving this Wednesday, a very sad day, but I wanted to post pictures of some of the fun things we have all done since they have been here. Fortunately, the fun is not over just yet! Enjoy the sweet darlings!

We went to Fossil Rim and had a big picnic halfway through! Those ostriches are crazy!

Austin is hitting a pinata at our family reunion.
Playing at the playground.
Austin and me passing out cards at the 4th of July! He was so awesome!

Fun in Memaw and Papaw's pool! They are so brave!

Summer is never complete without campfires and Smores!! And Smores are only good unless they get all over your face, right?

Eric teaching Austin to ride his bike without training wheels!
My beautiful niece, Mackenzie Rose (2).
My handsome nephew, Austin Hunter (6).

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Wilkins Going Big

Well, we really aren't going anywhere, but we have entered the world of blogging! I figured I would enter in for a couple of reasons. 

1.) I have recently discovered several other families with blogs and have thoroughly enjoyed reading about their lives. I figured there might be one or two families who might get a good belly laugh from all the goofy things Eric and I get ourselves into. :)

2.) I am taking up photography. Not just, "taking pictures," but really pursuing it. I'm SO excited about it and will be making my big purchase (the new DSLR camera) in the next couple of days (Eric gave me the OK). So, I will be able to post my pictures here. Prepare to roll your eyes at my 'not all that special' photos that I will be so proud of. It's okay. I will get better!!

3.) Eric has family in North Carolina and I have family in Florida that would like to hear about us every now and then. MySpace just doesn't seem family friendly anymore. 

So there they are. The Reasons. And here we are. The Wilkins.