Monday, August 11, 2008

All of my favorites

Yes, all of my favorites have been combined into one weekend. Music, family, and photography. I've been dying to post some pictures of everything we have been up to, but everytime I try, my heavy eyelids get the best of me. We've just been so busy lately, and therefore, I have been too tired to do much of anything productive. We have had a blast though. Let me explain.

First of all, our band got the privilege of recording a live CD in a studio this past Saturday. We earned 3 days of recording for playing at a youth camp, so we used the first of the three to do a live recording session with people from our church taking part. It was amazing. Our band spent Thursday and Friday nights cramped into a little bedroom, practicing into the wee hours. I took a few pics so you could see the fun.

Here's the host. He let us make a bunch of racket in his home... I bet the neighbors LOVED it. :)

A picture of my mic. Boy do I love singing.

Chico's drums. I kinda like the black and white. Do you?

My husband rockin' out. Very nice.

Second day of practice.... Claybourne brought our band shirts that Paul made. WOOHOO!

We played a few songs, then decided it was snack time. OF COURSE IT IS!

So the next day was recording day! I woke up excited... but before I could go record, I had to go sell some stuff in a garage sale. 6 am was WAY to early to get up! You'd better believe I took my camera to keep me company.

Starting at 10:30 am, we started setting up for a 7:00 pm show. Lots of things take place before you can record and sound decent.... so that means lots of time for me to shoot some pictures!

Here is a picture of set up. Very exciting, I know. I had to document everything!

So, notice how far we have gotten into the day. I mean, it's at least 11 am by now. Then, I look down and notice this..... yeah, one thing is not like the other.

Two different flip flops! Who does that? Duh, ME!

Here we are enjoying our million dollar pizzas for lunch. Seriously expensive. Yikes. It was totally worth it though. I would eat pizza morning noon and night if I could. ha!

This is right before "Showtime." We really had a blast and an incredible time of worship.

For the show, Eric's mom and her husband drove down (1.5 hrs) just to be a part of the recording and to spend some time with us. They ended up staying with my parents (our apartment is pretty tiny) and on Sunday after church we made burgers on the grill and had a swim party. But don't be misled, it was no "leisurely Sunday afternoon swim." OH NO... it was a full out competitive game of water volleyball. A water splashing, trash talking, ball slammin' game of volleyball. It was the "old" against the "young," 4 against 2. The games were tied 1 to 1 and we had to have a championship tie breaker. Who won? Well who do you think? I'm a state champion. :) hahaha

This is a cute picture of my mother/father-in-law.

He's so good at this. YUM!

Here is my mom's puppy, Darlin'. She was scared of only the scariest diet coke can in the entire world. Who could blame her?

Nothing better than full tummies, a game of volleyball, and a little politics talk, right? Um..... yeah..... No comment on the last part. ;)

So thanks everyone for making it such a wonderful weekend. It really was memorable for me.

On a side note, I would also like to add that I read something life changing tonight. It's funny how things just kind of hit you when you are least expecting it. I'm doing a bible study with a couple of youth from church, and we are doing a study on the book A Call To Die by David Nasser. We met for the first time tonight, so I read the introduction and prologue this afternoon beforehand. David made such a profound statement in his book that my little brain had a hard time wrapping my thoughts around it. He said, "It is much easier to be a nice Christian than a radical one." Wow. How long have I lived with the idea that I need to be like Jesus, the sweet, kind, tender loving Man? Since I was 13. I just realized that while Jesus was sweet and kind, he was also radical. He changed the world. He was not ALWAYS nice for the sake of being nice. He was loud. He was blunt. He made people mad. He made people think. He told it like it was. He did not always have the "nice Christian answer." He spoke Truth and thought more about glorifying God than making sure everyone liked him. I mean, I always knew this about Jesus, but I didn't think that I had to follow that aspect of Jesus' character all the time. I like being nice. I like for people to like me. And that's okay. I just don't need to make that my primary concern because I will always be let down. I want to be radical. I want to think more about glorifying God than myself. Everyone doesn't have to like me. Everyone doesn't like me. It's okay. It IS ok... Thank you God for showing me something new and refreshing today. I pray that it will change my outlook on life while I'm on this earth. I pray that we will be radical Christians.

Love you guys. Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Crystal Barbaree said...

hey, your pictures are looking great. as for the book. i wonder who is going to get more out of the book, the girls or the leaders. i am amazed at what i have read and we haven't even started yet.