Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Anniversary Number 1

We had a great first year anniversary (It was yesterday, for those of you who didn't realize the year has already flown by). Actually, we kind of made it into an anniversary weekend. Two reasons we did this.
  1. It's our first anniversary and we wanted to make it special
  2. Stonewater had the staff retreat on the actual day, so we improvised
Earlier this year we tried to plan a trip to celebrate, but lack of funds and other events conflicted. I was sort of bummed that we weren't going to be celebrating our day in a special way, but I happened to forget that my husband is awesome. :) He totally rocked all week long. On Friday, he surprised me with a gift. It was Adobe Photoshop Elements, since knows that I've been getting into photography and loving it and every photographer knows you need post processing capabilities. So... WOO HOO!!! I am so excited.

On Saturday, Eric woke me up with a Starbucks Caremel Macchiato (my fav), ground Starbucks coffee for me to make this week, and a new mug that I REALLY wanted last time we went there. He's so sweet for tuning in. Needless to say, I was surprised and a very happy girl. So we had band practice that morning until 1 pm, and I came home afterwards to took a nap. Eric said he had other errands to run. Once again he woke me up with a surprise. Guess what? New bedroom furniture. With the help of Marcus and Daniel, he snuck it into our living room. Okay, so if anyone has seen our apartment, you know that most of our furniture has been given to us (new or hand me down). Which means, most of it does not match.... ESPECIALLY in our bedroom. We had a garage sale chest of drawers (bottom drawer broke), donated dresser and mirror (scratched and old), and a wobbly little bitty accent table that barely held up a lamp and alarm clock, and that's all. So, my husband found a new modern, black Dresser, Chest of Drawers, and Nightstand and the Woods Outlet here in town. It looks fantastic! I love our bedroom now. Everything matches and it looks so cute.

On Saturday night Eric wanted to take me to Ft. Worth to eat. We went to none other than Texas De Brazil. If you haven't been there, you need to go in a very bad way. It was so so good. We both had to roll out of there. Ugh.... miserable, but so worth it. Afterwards my husband, oh so graciously, let me take pictures of him around Sundance Square. He's such a trooper. I always feel bad, because even though I need practice, I make him stand places and stick a camera in his face. Then he'll ask if I got any "good ones" and I have to reply honestly. "No... but I'm learning!" haha... Poor thing. It's fun though. Oh, I so love it.

So Sunday was church like normal. It seems like the two services are growing and we will DEFINITELY need that early service again come fall. And I want to add that it really seems like the church is catching on to the whole "worship" thing. The last few Sundays have been amazing. I can actually hear people singing. I even took my ear monitor out for the last song because it sounded so beautiful. It has been so amazing seeing the church grow as a family and as Christians together. Everyone is really catching on to what worship is all about. God is so good.

Yesterday was our real anniversary and we spent the evening at the staff retreat. It ended up being a really enjoyable evening for celebrating. Eric welcomed me to the door with a beautiful boquet of flowers. Everyone even sang us "Happy Anniversary" to the birthday song. It was awesome. *I want to give a special thanks to Misti for going to so much trouble for us. She made THREE cakes and TWO Homemade ice creams (one of them we will be enjoying this afternoon). The White's have been so awesome to us since the day I met them and always go out of their way for us. Thank you guys for everything.* I spent a little time taking pictures at the party, and with some guidance from Misti, learned some new things and had a good time. So, our anniversary weekend was great and I'm so thankful to have such a wonderful husband and great friends.

Today I've experimented with post processing and wanted to share some pictures from our weekend. Here's to one wonderful year with my husband, and hopefully MILLIONS more! :)

Here is the new furniture. It's called Black Cherry and it really looks black in person, but the flash made it look brown.

Here is Eric and I at Sundance Square after we ate.

And here is the reason for our miserable-ness.... is that a word? YUM!

Here is a shot of Eric that I like. Cutie.

Here are the beatiful flowers that Eric greeted me with at the door at the Staff Party.

Here are some of the shots I got at the staff party. This was is of Sarah and Jenna playing.

Daniel was the kid-entertainer for the night. Oh, and I see some BO-BO! :)

This is Eric winning.... maybe. haha

This is Misty Carters baby making the CUTEST expression ever.

This is little Sarah Sprayberry. Apparently she makes adorable faces like this all the time. :)

I can't get enough of her little hair. It's so soft and I just want to play with it!

That's it for now. I'm still working on all my picture taking and editing, but I'm having a blast! Thanks for looking!


Crystal Barbaree said...

you already do much better at pictures than me.

jo said...

Hey there, I saw your blog on Misti's and didn't want to be some weird lurker So Hi and happy anniversary!

js said...

You are so beautiful!!! That's a great picture of the two of you. Thanks for sharing the photos of Sarah and Caleb!