Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Too much coffee = Lots of laughing

Tonight we had youth for church and Justin (Youth Worship Leader) asked me to take some pictures of the worship service. While I had a good time, I found it pretty difficult to get good angles. Also, since I have a prime lens, there was no zooming.... so everything was pretty far away. It's tough for me to get sharp pictures of faces from several feet away but oh well, I enjoyed it. Here are a few from youth.

After youth, several of the "adults" went to Starbucks for coffee. It seems to be our time to chill out on Wednesday nights after hanging out with the crazy youth. I mean, we are pretty crazy ourselves, but tonight I don't think the Jr. High could talk about anything on topic. Daniel and I pretty much asked and answered all the questions ourselves. They talk about things such as giving a wedding ceremony to two rocks, pointing not being nice, giving burgers to homeless men, and why Noah wasn't senile when he built the ark (since he was over 500 years old). SIGH. Oh Jr. High. All you can do is laugh and keep trying. Right? Anyway, so the people who made the drinks at Starbucks tonight must have put something VERY strong in them. We all had our giggle boxes turned on (Daniel is prob. laughing right now) and had MANY good belly laughs. It was so much fun and really good to have such great friends. Here are some photos from SB.

Daniel, did you drink ALL of those? :)

This one is cute. I wish Jessica's hand was down, but their cute smiles make up for it!

I think this one is fun.

Shantay and Justin getting their laugh on.

I just love Chico. If you poke him, he laughs even harder!!!! HAHA!

That's all for now. Look at me blogging 2 times in 3 days.


Jen said...

Found your blog from Misti's! Looks like you will have tons of fun with the camera. As I have offered to Misti, if you ever want to "practice" your photography the Karnes kids make pretty good props!

js said...

That's awesome. You are taking great pictures!!!! Missed seeing you on Tuesday at our house. Maybe next week.

Jessica said...

I think Chico takes the best pictures; he makes the cutest faces. Last night was so much fun. My belly is sore from laughing so hard! Have fun today!