Monday, August 18, 2008

New Land

Yesterday, our church had a members gathering party to celebrate the purchase of new land that our building will be built on soon. It was lots of fun getting to talk to people in our church family. I can just feel the excitement everyone is sharing, knowing that one day we will have a building, which will be a tool in helping people come to Christ. And perhaps in about 10 years, when Eric and I have our first kid (hint hint to everyone who keeps asking), he or she will come to know Christ there. Anyway, Jeremy (the pastor) sent us all out to walk the land and pray over it. I multi-tasked.... prayed and took pictures at the same time. Nice, right? Anyway, I want to share a couple pictures. They are nothing great, but the memory is so significant I thought I would post them. Enjoy.

1 comment:

js said...

Those are great. You're right, last night was cool. Thanks for chilling w/ Madi.