Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Jason and Crystal Barbaree's daughter, Makaul, has been taking electric guitar lessons from Eric for the past several weeks. She has learned a whole lot and has improved tremendously! She plays Mary had a Little Lamb "rock style" and everything. So cute. Anyway, Crystal asked me to take a couple pictures of them while she was learning, so I did. It was cute to see how well Eric was working with her and how intently she listens to what he says. Here are a couple pics.

So... I've got big news. *Okay, saying I've got big news reminds me of something else I've been needing to say. WE ARE NOT PREGNANT. WE ARE NOT PLANNING ON GETTING PREGNANT FOR SEVERAL YEARS. All of the sudden, I've had about 10 people ask me if I'm pregnant. Either I'm getting fat or someone is spreading rumors!! I think I'm starting to get a complex. Yeah, so seriously.... yesterday I was doing a bible study at Starbucks with a couple of youth and this woman from church walked up and said "Hey Ashley! Are you pregnant?" WHAT? I couldn't help but wonder if I was letting my stomach relax a little too much. Haha. Anyway, several people have been asking... please pass on the truth as I know it.... I'm not pregnant. Yes, we have been married for a WHOLE year now... but that doesn't mean it's baby time. Thank you.*

Back to the big news. Okay, so a friend of mine from high school has a sister who is a photographer. She does a lot of weddings and she's really good. Anyway, she saw some recent pictures I took that I posted on facebook and commented how I was really catching on fast. Then she asked me if I would be interested in being a second shooter for a wedding in September. Would I be interested? HECK YEAH! So, here I go... jumping in... I know nothing about shooting weddings.... heck, I don't know much about photography in general. I'm so excited though. She said she would let me tag along at a bridal shoot or engagment session and show me how to use an external flash (prayers for me will be accepted) and let me practice with her lenses since we both use Canon. This is going to be super fun and a HUGE challenge for me. I'll keep you updated, but if you want to check out her website it is audraeburtonphotography.com.

Good stuff. Anyway, school starts in 6 days. Only 2 semesters left! HOORRAAAYYY!! I'm taking 18 hours and I know it will be tough semester but I can see the finish line. Praise God. Hope everyone is having a wonderful week.


js said...

That is awesome news about being asked to be a second shooter. Very awesome. Does it help to see others photos? If so, I found a couple of cool blogs lately. One is Mallory something- it's a link on my blog and Ha Photography. I have no earthly idea who these ladies are but they have great stuff. Anyway...that was long....have a great week!

Unknown said...

Wow! I'm SO excited for you - GO FOR IT! Yea!

Crystal Barbaree said...

the pictures are so cute. Makaul was excited to see pictures of them on your blog.
you will have alot of fun i am sure shooting a wedding.

Pangle Paradise said...

hey girl...
I'm sorry for telling you I was coming to youth and then just not showing up... I am still trying to get my grip on life & get into the swing of a blended home - we had all three boys tonight & Logan refused to leave the house & to be honest... I was pretty beat tired too - I will give you a ring on the phone to get the scoop on the Bible study with the girls.

thanks for understanding!

p.s. You will be a great photographer... I'm sure of it!

Jen said...

I can't find your email address to send you a message so here you go: You rocked the house yesterday with Hosanna. God has blessed you with a voice that truly moves my soul! Tell Eric I love his music too! Y'all are a gift to StoneWater!