Friday, August 29, 2008

Yes, I'm still alive...

I'm going to go ahead and say that this week has been one of the longest in my life. A good week... but a LLLLLOOOOONNNNNGGGGG week. I'm sorry to my friends who I have neglected this week, but ask my husband, I barely had time to take a breath. I missed you though!

School days, school days... I never knew the end of that song but I always sing "Old and rotten rule days...." I don't think that's how it goes, but at this point it sort of fits my mood. I don't mean to complain, but I believe this semester is going to be somewhat of an "opportunity" for me, if you know what I mean. For instance, my first class I went to on Monday was Rhetoric. Yes, the study of symbolic expression and how people communicate. Lovely. Our professor announced a reading schedule that would take more time than I had even if his class was the only I was enrolled for. He handed out the syllabus and told us that the 1st chapter should already have been read before the first class. I looked down at the endless reading schedule and saw an assignment for Monday. Labor Day. Excuse me, sir, do you have a life? Me neither....

That's how the day started. This whole week has been school school school. Class, work, study. No working out. No taking pictures. No posting on blogs. No fun. NO TIME!!!!! SOOOOOOO.... it's Friday (Praise praise praise praise GOD) and I finally got my favorite toy out to play. Since I have no child, I took pictures of my mom's puppy. Not a great model because she doesn't listen or sit still, but I didn't care. Just to be doing something fun was SUCH a treat! So tonight, my husband is asleep and I stayed up to play with Photoshop. Tonight, I have a collection of photos from several different days, but I wanted to share them with you all.

Last week we were in charge of house sitting for the Hammonds. Of course it was more of a treat for us than anything! Jet skis, view of the lake, time of relaxation.... love it.

Here is some jet ski action.

Couple of shots that I thought were pretty from their deck (AKA resort).

No post processing on the sunset. Still beautiful!

One day I got the pleasure of taking pictures of Jennifer's little boy, Sam. He's such a cute little guy!

This one has Big Boy in it! Eric and I call him HUGE boy... he has to weight like 200 lbs now! Look how big his head is compared to Sam?

And here's Darlin. Maybe 3 lbs now. Not as big as Big Boy.

And finally, here are a couple of my niece and nephew (remember the very first day I had my camera?). Not very sharp pictures but I miss them so much and wanted to post a couple of them. Love you and miss you tons, Austin and Kenzie!


Jessica said...

I miss you! The picture of Darlin' looking back is ADORABLE! Can I please have her? :)

js said...

I love the Hammond's place. Great job capturing it on film (or on digital).