Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Senior Pictures

Today I had the privilege of taking a few senior pictures for my friend Colton. He is in the youth group church, plays football, and apparently is into dirt bike riding. We had a short time for a session tonight, but here are a few to share.

I also snapped a few of Colton's nephew Sam. He's such a doll.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday night football

Apparently I just felt like post processing some older photos tonight while watching the Cowboys. Hope everyone is having a great week. :)

Here is a picture of Eric from Sundance Square on our 1 year anniversary.

Here's Jessica on the day we went to the movies and she modeled for me first.

This is when I convinced the boys to "just act normal" and I was just going to HAPPEN to have a camera around. :)

A cute picture of Romeo and Darlin playing in the yard. They are big buddies.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Weekend update

It's Sunday night, and after a long day full of "church activities," it's time to start another week of school. I'm already on the countdown for the end of the semester. Only 12 weeks of school left. A lot goes on in 12 weeks, though.... papers, tests, speeches, reading, etc. I just need to keep the mindset that God will give me the strength and peace I need to get through it. Honestly, if you can remember me, please ask for God's strength and peace to overwhelm me the semester. Thanks.

Luckily I do have a couple classes that I'm really glad to be taking. One of them is photography and we have a mini project due tomorrow. That gave me a good excuse to pull out the camera today. Yay.

Also, last weekend I had a great time at the wedding. On Audrae's website the first picture that comes up is one that I took. :) And there's a couple more I took on her facebook page, but I'm anxious to see others. I was just proud that I acted like I knew what I was doing (kinda). ha! Fun stuff.

I really haven't taken hardly any pictures lately, but just for the fun of it, I will post a couple that I'm turning in for tomorrow. They are kinda lame, but we had to work on shutter speed and aperture. Oh, and also I'm adding a couple from when we went out with my parents on Friday night. You would not BELIEVE the way the place looks on the outside, but the food is fantastic. Seriously, take note of the sign on the outside of the building. It's hilarious! It's called Margie's.

Seriously, are they really advertising indoor plumbing?

And this definitely looks like somewhere I would want to stop and eat. ;)

BUT, they had fantastic wine.

And DELIGHTFUL cheesecake.

I was testing out my new lens on Romeo. Look, he's outside without a leash and he didn't run away!

Here is a few for my project. This was at the Paradigm bible study on Thursday.

They now have a coffee bar!

Workin on shutter speed. They are walking super fast. haha

Sunflowers by our apartment.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Tonight was a super fun youth party at the Hammonds. Of course, I brought along my camera and the Tamron lens to just make sure my decision was final. :) I'm VERY happy with the results. It was a fun party and there are lots of pictures to show.

Daniel and Justin cooking burgers. "Uuueeehhhh.... I don't LIKE Backyard Burgers!" haha

My beautiful friend, Jen.

One of her daughters, Sarah.

I finally got her to smile!

This is her other daughter Madison! I got several funny faces, but I thought this one was awesome!

This a little boy named Sawyer. He has the CUTEST curly hair!

Bunch of people at the party!

"Man talk"

This reminds me of a mother duck with her little ducklings. Priceless.

Josiah announcements

Typical boy!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Proud Aunt

Yes, I am a VERY proud aunt. I love my niece and nephew like they are my own!! My sister called me today and told me she took a video of my niece, Mackenzie, reading her favorite book Pajama Time right before bed. Sounds like a good book to me! :) Anyway, I wanted to share the video because, well, she's just so darn cute and I'm so proud!!!

She doesn't know how to read yet, but she's got it memorized by heart! That a girl!

Click on this link to see my cute girl!


I also bought a "new" lens today. Kind of a long story, because I bought a brand new Sigma 24-70 2.8 lens Saturday and after careful consideration I decided that I'm going to take that one back. I felt guilty for spending so much. I got the equivalent in a different brand (Tamron 28-75 2.8) from a guy who gave me a great deal. It was half the price of the new one.... so... now I don't feel guilty, AND I have a new lens! :) But, you'd better believe I'm taking the Sigma to the wedding this weekend and getting my money's worth from the tax on the lens! lol!